Walker Building Wallsend Health Campus
Longworth Ave
NSW 2287
Postal Address:
PO Box 385
NSW 2287
Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre provides flexible short term respite on ad hoc basis and emergency respite for people with moderate to profound disabilities. Service also provides information and referral to other services especially those providing ongoing respite. Paid carers are not eligible for this assistance. For people with a disability who are eligible for aged care accommodation (ACAT assessment and currency of assessment form ACCR required) the Carer Respite Centre provides the Residential Respite Booking Service for Newcastle Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens Lower and Upper Hunter. As at June 1. 2003 the program has received funding to provide services to Carers of people with dementia, dementia with challenging behaviour, with terminal illness (support palliative care services) and frail older people over 65 years in their own homes. The Ageing Carers Packages are available to carers not receiving other services.
Walker Building Wallsend Health Campus
Longworth Ave
NSW 2287
Postal Address:
PO Box 385
NSW 2287
Strive for Autism is a Volunteer based organisation. All content included within this website is not intended to replace or act as professional advice, it is expected commonsense is applied and relevant trained professional advice sought where necessary.
President: Maxine Baird
Vice President: Charmaine Turner
Secretary: Loretto Austin
Treasurer: Tracey Dalitz
Public Officer: Alan Baird
Committee Members: Hannah Baird, Ann Stanley and Ann Barry
ABN: 59269328044
Mailing Address
Strive for Autism Inc.
101 Vincent Street
Cessnock NSW 2325
Contact Phone
Maxine Baird – President
0419 913 033
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