Hurstspeech was founded in 2006 by Linda Hurst. Linda has over 20 years experience as a Speech Pathologist. She engages Speech Pathologists to be part of a revolutional team in the delivery of extraordinary speech and language therapy that makes a difference to their clients’ lives.
The clinic has two locations: Parramatta and The Hunter Valley – Singleton.
The Speech Pathologists at this clinic have the knowledge & experience to help you with communication and learning problems such as poor speech, voice or fluency difficulties, poor language skills, difficulty learning to read and spell, late talkers and autism.
We are committed to provide quality, family focused and efficient services to our clients.
11A Campbell St
NSW 2330Phone

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Strive for Autism is a Volunteer based organisation. All content included within this website is not intended to replace or act as professional advice, it is expected commonsense is applied and relevant trained professional advice sought where necessary.
President: Maxine Baird
Vice President: Charmaine Turner
Secretary: Donna Hetherington
Treasurer: Tracey Dalitz
Public Officer: Alan Baird
Committee Members: Hannah Baird, Ann Stanley and Ann Barry
ABN: 59269328044
Mailing Address
Strive for Autism Inc.
101 Vincent Street
Cessnock NSW 2325
Contact Phone
Maxine Baird – President
0419 913 033
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