Carer’s Payment
This is administered by Centrelink and is income and assets tested, similar to a full pension and difficult to qualify for.
A payment if you give constant care to someone with disability or a medical condition, or an adult who’s frail aged.
This payment can help you if you provide constant care to someone for at least 6 months. You can start your claim at any time, you don’t need to wait 6 months before you start your claim. This payment is also if you’re caring for someone at the end of their life.
Constant care means you provide care for a large amount of time daily. This is roughly equal to a normal working day. This care stops you from working full time.
Care includes things like:
- physical help
- guidance
- supervision.
When you start your claim, we’ll ask you about the person you care for and the care you provide. We’ll tell you if you need to give us any supporting evidence.
If we don’t already have this information, we’ll ask you to complete medical forms.
The amount of Carer Payment you get depends on your personal circumstances. This includes any income you or your partner get from employment. Carer Payment is taxable if you or the person you care for are Age Pension age.
Find out if you can get it.
If you can’t get this payment there could be other payments better suited to your needs.
There are other organisations who can help you and the person you care for. Read more about services in your state and getting support.
Cessnock Service Centre
Centrelink | Medicare | My Aged Care186 Vincent Street
NSW 2325Phone
Call Centrelink’s Disability, Sickness and Carer’s Line on:
132 717

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Strive for Autism is a Volunteer based organisation. All content included within this website is not intended to replace or act as professional advice, it is expected commonsense is applied and relevant trained professional advice sought where necessary.
President: Maxine Baird
Vice President: Charmaine Turner
Secretary: Loretto Austin
Treasurer: Tracey Dalitz
Public Officer: Alan Baird
Committee Members: Hannah Baird, Ann Stanley and Ann Barry
ABN: 59269328044
Mailing Address
Strive for Autism Inc.
101 Vincent Street
Cessnock NSW 2325
Contact Phone
Maxine Baird – President
0419 913 033
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